Winter Safety Tips

Winter Safety Tips for Your Home

Winter has officially arrived in the Kansas City Area. Like many homeowners, there is a good chance your focus has shifted from completing home projects to anxiously awaiting snow days, however, by giving your house a little extra attention this winter, you will help it stay safe all season long.

Three winter safety tips to follow this season include:

Gutter Check
With all of the snow, sleet, and freezing rain common to Midwestern winters, your home has to manage a lot of water. Make sure that liquid has a place to go when it melts by checking all of the gutters and drains around your house. If your gutters and other drainage are not in good shape, you face the risk of expensive water damage from the precipitation gathering on your roof or near your home’s foundation.

Inspect Siding
Take a couple of hours one weekend to take inventory of your home’s siding. Keep a close eye out for any troublesome spots – like warped areas, holes, or rot. Patch the areas as soon as possible to both keep pests out and warm air inside, then make a plan to have your siding replaced in spring.

Keep It Clear
While it can be tempting to just let Mother Nature run its course, the best thing you can do for your home’s safety this winter is remove any snow or ice from your deck, patio, outdoor walkways, and driveway as soon as it falls. A buildup of winter weather is not only annoying to look at, but can serve as a major hazard for anyone trying to maneuver around your property. Keep a plastic shovel and small bag of salt on hand at all times so that there are no excuses.

By completing this simple checklist, you will ensure that your home – and the people living inside of it – stay safe and comfortable all winter long. Plus, by finishing each task now, you will help keep your home in top shape for the warmer months to come.

To learn more, visit McCray Lumber and Millwork today.